Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sedition Dev Journal #1: Target Features for Sedition

I figured this would be a good venue for getting the word out about development progress and plans.

Here's what's in store for the next version.
[Update: The graphics system will be overhauled somewhat too, devices will now need to support OpenGLES 2.0, something virtually every Android 2.2+ device already supports]

* Better Twitter Configuration UI. (It is really painful to configure twitter on a small screen device)
* Clean up social networking/distinction UI to make the flow a little more intuitive.
* Improved Tutorial (with possible video/youtube link)
* tone down background stars or otherwise make enemy missile more obvious.


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sedition is Live!

And I seriously need sleep.

What I thought would take 10 minutes before publishing Friday night took all weekend. Off to bed....

More to come later.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Sedition and Privacy

[Update 3-March 24, 2012, this post has been superseded by this page]

DISCLAIMER: This does not constitute a guarantee. Digital Popcorn is not responsible for omissions or changes. Digital Popcorn reserves the right to amend this document without notice.

Now, on to the stuff:

There is an ominous sounding question that pops up when your first run Sedition:
Figure 1 - Google Analytics

Digital Popcorn takes privacy and data integrity very seriously. I value your trust and to that end I would like to be transparent about what types of communication my applications do across the internet.

In short, there are 4 ways in which Sedition will communicate data over the internet.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Flipping the switch.


Sedition is Live for a lucky group of people.

You can always check out this page for up to date info.

This blog will get a nice visual dressing soon-ish :)